lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

What were the effects of American Independence on the establishment of a form of government in the USA?

Why did the war happened?
The war was the result of the political American Revolution. Colonists galvanized around the position that the Stamp Act of 1765, imposed by Parliament of Great Britain, was unconstitutional
The colonists claimed that, as they were British subjects, taxation without representation in Parliament was illegal. The American colonists formed a unifying Continental Congress and a shadow government in each colony, though at first remaining loyal to the king.
The American boycott of taxed British tea led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when shiploads of tea were destroyed. London responded by ending self-government in Massachusetts . In April 1775 Gage learned that weapons were being gathered in Concord, and he sent British troops to seize and destroy them. Local militia confronted the troops and exchanged fire. After repeated pleas to the British monarchy for intervention with Parliament, any chance of a compromise ended when the Congress were declared traitors by royal decree, and they responded by declaring the independence of a new sovereign nation, the United States of America, on July 4, 1776. 
·         American Loyalists rejected the Declaration, and sided with the king; they were excluded from power everywhere. American attempts to expand the rebellion into Quebec and the Floridas were unsuccessful.
France, Spain and the Dutch Republic all secretly provided supplies, ammunition and weapons to the revolutionaries starting early in 1776.
In 1783, the Treaty of Paris ended the war and recognized the sovereignty of the United States over the territory bounded roughly by what is now Canada to the north, Florida to the south, and the Mississippi River to the west.
A wider international peace was agreed, in which several territories were exchanged.
Colin Gordon Calloway, The American Revolution in Indian Country(1995)

The first change led by the American Revolution was the belief of equality among all society. During the Revolutionary War, wealthy military men joined the American army with poor men who were also fighting for the same cause.
Even though after the war social classes started to be insignificant, white men still looked down to Native Indian Americans and black slaves.
The North continued to look down upon slavery while the South didn't change their stance at all. Slavery was a key for the economical performance of the south so they were not agreed on abolishing it. After the Revolutionary War, the North had begun to free slaves.  The south remained in the position of keeping slavery alive.
One of the political effects from the War was that now, they could have their own powerful central government. Instead of relying on the King of Britain, they would have their own leader who would turn out to be General George Washington.
The Articles of Confederation stated that The United States of America would have a central government with a one-house congress where each state had a single vote-
The Constitution provided for a federal form of government but allowing the states to have particular powers. It is stated the division of powers.
The Bill of Rights, a document that guarantees individual rights: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.
As an economical result of the American Revolution, the Continental Congress found it extremely difficult to pay the soldiers who fought the war. They had to resort to selling bonds to other governments such as France to be able to pay their troops. The Congress began to print paper money which they called Continentals. However when the paper money became too common, the cost of it sunk and inflation began to occur.
And so as my personal conclusion, the American Revolution led to the actual political system the United States have. 
Their central focus for them as a nation is to provide with the most important guarantees, which are stated in the declaration of independence: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness", and by understanding this we will be able to understand the whole American Policy.
In further posts I will analyze the american conception of "Protection" talking about the 2nd Amendment to the U.S.A. Constitution. 

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