martes, 30 de abril de 2013



Along the U.S. history, 2 parties have ruled the political life, these are the Democrat party and the Republican party. Not because they are the only parties, but because these are the only ones that have make it to the Presidency.

The main difference between these parties is that the Democrats are considered liberals and the Republicans are considered conservators. It is important that we understand that the conception of “left” or “right” is different depending the country, and in America the difference between this 2 is very little.

Let’s see the essential differences.

Democrats, are in favor of an interventionist government within the corporate sector in order to regulate their activities, since they believe economy should be controlled by the State. On the other hand, Democrats refuse to regulate issues linked to morality and traditions of the citizens, they are in favor of the social struggle, the constant improvement of communities and the establishment of social welfare laws to protect especially the minority groups within the country. 

Their foreign policy view is oriented towards the NO involvement in international conflicts or foreign wars, leaving international issues rather to the U.N. or other international institutions.
This explains President’s Obama campaign of removing troops in Iraq, even when this haven’t happen.

Republicans, “The grand old party” or “The party of the rich” believe that government should not intervene in the economy, as a neoliberal approach.  They assure that the State should regulate the social behavior of individuals (They are against of homosexual marriage and adoption, drug consumption and some other). Away from the social stratification proposal of Marx, they assure that in society all the roles are given and should NOT change at all since this would alter the order the country has. 

Republicans are the majority in the Chamber of Representatives of the U.S. and this makes them the biggest opposition to Barack Obama’s government.

As for their foreign policy view, they promote military use and the projection of the U.S. as the super armed power it is and even show off more than what they actually have. 


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